8000 The following line in the NRPN definition file %s contains an error:\n\n%s 8001 The NRPN definition file %s has no instrument name. 8002 The NRPN definition file %s has a bad parameter count. 8003 One or more MIDI inputs or outputs could not be opened. This could be due\nto another application's use of a single-client MIDI driver. Please check any\nother active MIDI or multimedia applications for the use of the following ports:\n\n%s 8004 The installed version of TechToys.DLL is out of date.\n\nThe installed file is version %d.%d.%d.%d.\nThis program requires version %d.%d.%d.%d or higher. 8005 The following files could not be found:\n%s 8006 The file 'Techno Toys Support Info.txt' has been saved on your desktop.\nThis file contains system information which could affect the operation of\nany Techno Toys apps installed in your system. Please mail this file to\nsupport@technotoys.com. 8009 You cannot shut down a Techno Toy while it is playing. 8010 This copy of %s will expire after %d more days. If you wish\nto register, select the Register command in the Help menu. 8011 This copy of %s will expire after %d more executions.\nIf you wish to register, select the Register command in the Help menu. 8012 This copy of %s will expire after one more day. If you wish\nto register, select the Register command in the Help menu. 8013 This copy of %s will expire today. If you wish\nto register, select the Register command in the Help menu. 8014 Your registration code is %lu. 8015 You will be asked to enter your registration code when you reach the registration page.\n\nYour registration code is %lu.\n\nIf you wish, you can copy this number to the Clipboard by clicking the Copy button. 8016 Thank you for registering Seq-303!\n\nYou should now save your work and restart the program in order for registration to take effect. 8017 Registration failed!\n\nPlease check both the registration code and your registration key and make sure they match the values listed in the confirmation Email message you received. 8018 ** The MIDI record buffer is full. Recording has stopped. ** 8019 The interface window could not be found! 8020 If you are using the MIDI Mapper, this message may also appear if the MIDI\nMapper is using a MIDI output that is already in use by this or some other\napplication. Please see the Help topic on MIDI Drivers for more information.